#material – the blog

This is the story of the first Green Bond

This is the story of the first Green Bond. It tells, how silo mentality was overcome, a common language was developed and transparency and impact reporting became drivers of value creation.


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Sven Griemert

„Ich positioniere Finanzdienstleister und Unternehmen als verantwortlich handelnde Akteure in einem wettbe-werbsintensiven  Marktumfeld.“

Video des Monats

20. September: Klimaschutzpaket & Klimastreik

In Ihrem Video erklärt die YouTuberin Mai, wie CO2 fair und sozial gerecht reduziert werden kann. Wissenschaftlich & kurzweilig.

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Long-Term Stock Exchange for companies building lasting impact for all  stakeholders. Its aim: to address the difficulties faced by public companies seeking to build an enterprise with lasting impact, while also being required to focus short-term results. 

Long-Term Stock Exchange for companies building lasting impact for all stakeholders. Its aim: to address the difficulties faced by public companies seeking to build an enterprise with lasting impact, while also being required to focus short-term results.
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